Press Releases for Film Festival

  • 718

    World Wide Pictures Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

    World Wide Pictures, an arm of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, received the Redemptive Storyteller Award for Lifetime Achievement at the recently completed

    By : | 12-12-2011 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 718

  • 710

    Lisa Dahl and Sedona Film Festival host ‘Passionista Holiday Luncheon’ at Cucina Rustica

    The Sedona International Film Festival joins Chef Lisa Dahl at Sedona AZ attractionCucinaRustica for a ‘Passionista Holiday Luncheon.’This event combines an autumn menu from Lisa Dahl with art & fashion from actress & artist Ronnie Claire Edwards.

    By : | 11-07-2011 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 710

  • 909

    Script Doctor Linda Seger Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

    Internationally renowned script consultant, Dr. Linda Seger will receive the Redemptive Storyteller Award for Lifetime Achievement at the Fifth Annual Redemptive Film Festival (RFF), November 13 at 5:00 P.M., to be held at the Regent University, School of Communication main theatre.

    By : | 09-29-2010 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 909

  • 904

    Phoenix Actress Kimber Leigh Cast In Lead Of "Serial Blondes"

    Phoenix based award winning actress and producer Kimber Leigh has been cast in the lead of the independent feature film, "Serial Blondes"

    By : | 08-19-2010 | Art and Entertainment:Television | Total Views : 904

  • 941

    Hampton Roads Resident Produces Book On Worship

    One of the greatest tragedies of the Christian church today is that it worships a God it does not really know. A new book on worship, Worship 101: Discovering the God We Worship in 101 Ways is seeking to change that by helping us understand who God is.

    By : | 04-27-2010 | Religion and Spirituality:Religion and Spirituality | Total Views : 941

  • 1262


    Founder and President of the world’s largest religious network and America’s most watched faith channel, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Dr. Paul Crouch will receive the Redemptive Storyteller Award for Lifetime Achievement at the Fourth Annual Redempt

    By : | 10-06-2009 | Religion and Spirituality:Religion and Spirituality | Total Views : 1262

  • 737

    Annual Phantom Film Festival to Premier at Gusman Center on May 12

    The Design and Architecture Senior High (DASH) 12th Annual Phantom Film Festival will continue its tradition of student cinematic excellence at The Historic Olympia Theater at the Gusman Center for the Performing Arts.

    By : | 04-11-2012 | Education:Education | Total Views : 737

  • 575

    New Belgium Brewing Seeks Films for Clips of Faith

    You make the film. We make the beer.

    By : | 02-22-2012 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 575

  • 675

    Hollywood legend Connie Stevens arrives Saturday for special screening ---- followed by Q &A ---- of

    The film, which stars Tatum O’Neal, Michael Biehn and Penelope Ann Miller, tells the story of a Missouri couple who are thrown into chaos when the husband’s sister is released from the local asylum and comes to live with the family during the infamous 1951 flood that covered the Heartland.

    By : | 09-14-2011 | Art and Entertainment:Movies | Total Views : 675

  • 1069

    Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards enter the second round. Call for Entries is now open.

    As of now Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards are once again looking for the best Corporate Films and TV Documentaries. New categories and special participating rates are available. Submissions are due until June 17th, 2011.

    By : | 04-11-2011 | Business:Advertising Or Marketing | Total Views : 1069